Why is it important for students to learn about Aboriginal culture?

The Australian Curriculum has acknowledged it needs to provide every opportunity possible to ‘close the gap’ in the learning outcomes between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders students and their non-Indigenous peers. ACARA further acknowledges the special connection our people have with the land, sea, sky and waterways, along with our history and cultural practices, The ACARA, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures cross curriculum priority encourages schools to have all students engage with our culture. At Wanyara, we understand that it is difficult for non-Indigenous staff to take the first step when they have not had enough prior learning and connection to our culture. We endeavour to change that!

We offer the first step and we can deliver programs to support staff through professional development and cultural awareness, along with our very popular interactive student incursions.

We know the pride felt by First Nations students when their culture is shared, significantly influences their wellbeing, success and aspirations. We also know that learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander can embed a strong sense of identity, pride and self-esteem for all Australians. In learning, all students can engage in reconciliation, respect, and recognition of the world’s oldest continuous living cultures.

At Wanyara we deliver hands on cultural education, through a variety of programs and sessions and can equip your school staff to do the same.